Get the SAP PI/PO learning survey
What is the best way to get started developing on the SAP PI/PO platform?
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Get the survey on the easiest methods of learning SAP PI/PO
Among other things, the survey covers these topics:
What are the most successful methods of learning SAP PI/PO?
There are a number of different ways to learn SAP PI/PO. The two primary methods are courses - either online courses or the SAP standard course.
How much time does it take for a developer to be able to develop on their own?
The goal for any developer is to be able to develop integration solutions by themselves. The survey looks at different parameters on the skill development path.
How do you continue to improve your skills as an SAP PI/PO developer?
As developers, we need to continually become better developers. How do people otherwise do it?
The survey contains responses from 139 people who were surveyed in March 2015. They were asked about the beginnings of their careers - how they started learning and working with SAP XI/PI/PO, regardless of when they did it. It is interesting to see how willing people have been to share their SAP PI learning experiences. We can draw some interesting conclusions from their way of starting out and advancing in time.
The main content is about how you can become better at getting started with SAP PI or PO.
There are many different ways of mastering the craft of SAP Integration experts. There were four methods with equal numbers of participants. These are: the SAP Standard course, in-house training sessions (mostly from consulting companies), or being taught either by a colleague or a consultant.
You will learn how other people started using SAP PI/PO. You will discover what kind of instruction they received during their training. You will also find out if the help and advice of another developer has helped them become better at what they do.
The survey covered diverse topics, so that even more advanced developers could find questions referring to their careers. They were asked about how they manage to stay at the top of their game. I was also curious to find out whether advanced developers reviewed their work.
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Learning SAP PI/PO can be done in a lot of different ways. The most used method is some type of course. Some learners are using the standard SAP Courses, but there are also other approaches to learning SAP PI. I myself have an online SAP tutorial.